P: 027 234 9560

Jikiden Reiki
The original simple beautiful Reiki as taught by the Founder, Mikao Usui Sensei 

Learn both Shoden / Level 1 and Okuden / Level 2 with international Reiki Teacher & Author, Frank Arjava Petter
Auckland, New Zealand

Jikiden Reiki Workshop

2-6 September
10am to 6pm daily (40 hrs)
Long Bay, Auckland, New Zealand

Jikiden Reiki is Reiki Teaching from the original
authentic Japanese lineage.

The workshop language is English. Handouts in English
will be provided.
Bookings are Essential.

Full details & booking below

About Jikiden Reiki Workshop

At the 5 day Jikiden Reiki Shoden and Okuden Class, every participant will receive 5 Reiju (attunements) from Frank Arjava Petter himself and full training in the original and authentic Japanese Reiki techniques, practices, ethics and spirituality.

You will learn the Reiki- Symbols in their original form. Upon completion of the workshop you will be given a Certificate from Arjava himself which enables you to practice Jikiden Reiki if you choose to.

The Japanese word ‘Jikiden’ means ‘direct transmission’

This lineage goes from Usui Sensei to Hayashi Sensei and to Chiyoko Yamaguchi Sensei who learned Reiki in 1938, and practiced the next 65 years! Because this lineage has not gone through Mrs. Takata it lacks the Westernization of Reiki as it is taught in the Western World. You will experience Reiki in its original beauty and simplicity.

What you learn in the workshop is for your eyes only. Please be aware of the fact that the Jikiden Reiki Institute Japan permits only registered Teachers of the Jikiden Reiki Institute to teach Jikiden Reiki.

The Jikiden Workshop is divided into two parts:

Shoden (Beginner Degree - Reiki One) and Okuden (the Middle Degree - Reiki Two).

A few important details

A daily delicious vegetarian lunch is included in your Jikiden Reiki Class fee. Plus morning and afternoon tea is included.

Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat Centre, 1043 Beach Road, Long Bay, North Shore City, Auckland NZ

Motels and Air BNB's are close by in Long Bay, Torbay, Waiake and Browns Bay - please google 


Buses run from Auckland CBD to Long Bay. Car parking is available in the street and inside Vaughan Park Anglican Retreat Centre itself.

Discounted prices for full 5 days (40 hrs) Training
Reiki NZ Members $1450  ~  General Public $1650

Workshop Programme

Day 1: Shoden (Part 1)

  • The History of Reiki. Usui Sensei’s background, etc.
  • The Background of Jikiden Reiki
  • The Yamaguchis personal Reiki history as taught by Hayashi Sensei and Mr.Wasaburo Sugano (Chiyoko Yamaguchi’s uncle- Dr. Hayashi’s organizer).
  • Chiyoko Sensei’s life.
  • The 4 main Objects of holding Jikiden Reiki seminars
  • The meaning of the Gokai (the 5 Reiki- Principles).
  • The current situation of Reiki in Japan
  • Reiju (attunement)
  • Reiki Mawashi (Reiki current)
  • Reiki group- practice. All participants give and receive Reiki.

Day 2: Shoden (Part 2)

Chant the Gokai and Reiju
Reiki Mawashi
Review of day 1

  • Kokai Denju (Usui Sensei’s notes) Usui Sensei’s thoughts on Reiki.
  • The byosen symbol. How and when to use it. Explanation of its meaning, and the origin of the symbol.
  • Byosen (finding negatively charged body- areas). Together with the Reiki Principles, this is one of the most important aspects of Reiki.
  • The Kekko Technique (Ketsueki Kokan). A massage technique favoured by Dr. Hayashi to stimulate the metabolism. Demonstration and practice.

Day 3: Shoden (Part 3)

  • Chant the Gokai and Reiju
  • Reiki Mawashi
  • Reiki Okuri (learning to perceive the flow of Reiki)
  • How to make the hands sensitive. Perception- Training.
  • Reiki practice

Day 4: Okuden (Part 1)

  • Review of days 1-3
  • Chant the Gokai and Reiju
  • Reiki Mawashi
  • Reiki Okuri
  • Kokai Denju (from Usui Sensei’s notes)
  • How to use Reiki for psychological issues
  • The mental - healing symbol. How and when to use it. Explanation of its meaning, and the origin of the symbol.
  • How to use the symbol for physical problems (Chiyoko Sensei’s experience. Hayashi Sensei did not teach this).

Day 5: Okuden (Part 2)

  • Chant the Gokai and Reiju
  • Reiki Mawashi
  • Reiki Okuri
  • The distant- healing symbol. How and when to use it. Explanation of its meaning, and the origin of the symbol.
  • Enkaku Chiryo (Distant healing)
  • Questions and Answers
  • Certificate Ceremony
  • Reiki practice

"With love and very much looking forward to welcoming you to
Jikiden Reiki in New Zealand"

Your friend, Frank Arjava Petter

Booking and payment for all classes

Bookings are online through this website's secure booking system. 

You'll automatically receive an emailed receipt confirming your attendance and I'll be in touch with you by email and in person closer to the time.

Prefer to use online Banking?

Please contact me and I'll forward the account details to you promptly. Thank you.

Please contact me (Yolanda) on +64 272 349 560
or email: yolanda@reikihealth.co.nz


If something unexpected happens and you can’t join us, please know that there are no refunds given but you're welcome to nominate someone in your place. Give me a ring if so.

Have a question? 

Please contact me (Yolanda) on +64 272 349 560
or email: yolanda@reikihealth.co.nz