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Blessing your Home and Office with the Usui Reiki Symbols

Use your Reiki symbols to cleanse, bless and uplift your home, office, desk and bedrooms

This is a yet another great thing you can do with your three Usui Reiki Second Degree symbols – it’s awesome and its effective immediately

It is excellent for clearing and cleansing any or all rooms in your home, particularly those in which you spend the most time such as your bedrooms (including your mattress and pillows), kitchen and living rooms, also your office and/or study

Any space (e.g. a room, office, building, meeting place, the land) holds energy

The vibration of the energy in that space will vary according to what activities have happened in that space

Many Usui Reiki Second Degree students use this technique for clearing and cleansing and generally uplifting their daily work environment and office space, school classrooms etc. including furniture particularly their chairs!

This technique may also be used outdoors in playgrounds, around barbecue, social and meeting areas, in and on vehicles and for balance and harmonizing the land anywhere

Use this technique by making large symbols in the air using the palms of one or both hands.

Use patterns of Usui Reiki to clear, bless and enhance the positive vibrations of any living or sacred space

You can use all three (or four) of your Usui Reiki Symbols

  1. Firstly, shut any doors and windows. Open them again when you have finished

  2. Begin at any corner of the room and make the ‘sandwich’ as large as possible with one or both hands

  3. Moving clockwise or anticlockwise, make the above ‘sandwich’ over each corner and every window and/or door. Finish with the corner you started at!

  4. Make the ‘sandwich’ over all of the ceiling as shown in Class

  5. In the centre of the room, directing your symbols towards the floor, make The Order as you were taught.

      Often, I will make again on the floor at the doorways where people are            moving through regularly.

Use this technique in your classroom, office, living room, bedroom and kitchen or anywhere there is a lot of movement.

In South India, it is common for energy patterns to be made in chalk at the doorways of homes, temples entrances, even businesses to bring good fortune into the building

Those walking over and through the energy pattern are subtly affected by the energy of the pattern – usually peace, good health, spiritual evolution, happiness, productivity and success.

You may use your Usui Reiki symbols' energy this way daily, weekly and whenever you feel it is necessary, to keep the energy uplifted, harmonised and balanced in the spaces you live, work and sleep in.

It is a very good technique for promoting health, happiness and productivity.

Excellent for inducing good quality sleep combined with your Usui Reiki First Degree self treatments!

Try this in your bedrooms

Try it combined with using your symbols in the Order over your mattress and pillows to clear energy from worries, nightmares and restlessness. It works! 

Use it on the pillows and mattresses of your whole family every day for approximately a week and then whenever needed.

It is also excellent for furniture, cars and boats, anywhere you may feel an in-balance of harmony as it clears, uplifts and re-energises any space inside or out


The Order is the pattern in which I teach my Second Degree and Third Degree Usui Reiki students to use their symbols for faster benefits and accelerated energising of spaces. You’ll learn this if you choose to learn Second Degree with me. 

The Sandwich is another pattern of Reiki symbols I teach for hands-on Reiki, Distant Reiki and for Blessings spaces.

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Usui Reiki First Degree - Learn Reiki

Usui Reiki Second Degree - Learn and Use the 3 Usui Reiki Symbols

Usui Reiki Third Degree - expand & deepen your Usui Reiki Energy & Skills

The Many Benefits of Usui Reiki