P: 027 234 9560

Japanese Reiki Technique

with Frank Arjava Petter

New dates coming soon!! Auckland, New Zealand

In this workshop I (Arjava) would like to share the traditional Reiki- Techniques with that Usui Sensei taught to his students. They are still taught in the Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai today.

Some of the techniques below are designed to increase your perception so you can feel with the byosen more clearly. Usui Sensei called these techniques Hatsurei- Ho and they are to be practiced daily, until your perception is acute. For this reason I will embark upon this chapter with the Hatsurei- Ho techniques.

Please focus your initial attention on those techniques, the Reiji-Ho technique and everything that has to do with byosen. Together they compose the heart of Reiki. You will be richly rewarded for your efforts.

Some of the techniques have the suffix “Ho” meaning technique; the others have the suffix “chiryo, meaning treatment.

20 techniques will be taught, demonstrated and experienced at this 2 day Workshop

1. The first Hatsurei- Ho technique: Gassho Meiso (Gassho Meditation)

2. The second Hatsureiho Technique: Joshin Kokyu- Ho, the breathing exercise to purify the spirit
This is the second of the exercises to strengthen your sensitivity as well as the Reiki output. Remember the principle law of energy: whatever you pay attention to, grows… Pay attention to
sensitivity and energy and you have more of both.

3. The third Hatsurei- Ho technique, Reiji- Ho, The indication of Reiki.
The Japanese word Reiji means indication of the spirit, or in our case indication of Reiki.

This technique teaches you to learn to follow your intuition. Intuition is not something that you have to develop, it is already given to you at birth as a divine gift. All you have to do is to learn to listen to it-and – then to follow it.

4. The fourth technique, Kenyoku, dry Bathing.
Kenyoku is done to purify body and soul. It strengthens your energy and helps you to disconnect from your clients, situations, thoughts and emotions. It brings you into this moment, discontinued from the past. Many times during the day we get lost in our own minds, our thoughts, problems, joys and emotions. Or else we get drawn into the same of our fellow men. Neither one helps us on the path to self- discovery. When you are drawn into your own daydream or that of another, you loose yourself and enter an automatic train of thought. This cannot be called thinking because it is absolutely involuntary. Like a monkey swinging from one branch to the next, ad infinitum. During this time we miss the present moment, the only time that really does exist.

What a waste of quality time! It is difficult to break the identification with ones thoughts, for identification is what keeps us engaged in mental or emotional activity.

But Kenyoku is not a technique to cut ties: you disconnect from the past to be present for this very moment.

5. The fifth technique, Nentatsu – Ho, detoxification technique for body and mind

6. The sixth technique, Reiki Mawashi, Reiki current group exercise
The Japanese work mawashi means current. In this exercise a current of Reiki energy is passed through a group of practitioners in a similar way that you may already practice it in your Reiki share groups.

7. The seventh technique, Shu Chu Reiki, Concentrated Reiki group exercise.
The Japanese word shu chu literally means “concentrated”. This technique is practiced during a Reiki workshop or at a Reiki share group. One client or workshop participant lies on a massage table or sits in a chair while the other participants give him Reiki.

When supervised, this is a wonderful experience for everyone involved.

8. The eighth technique, Enkaku Chiryo (also called Shashin Chiryo), distant healing treatment.
There must be as many distant healing methods as there are Reiki practitioners all of which are designed to help us focus our minds. In the Usui Association either a photograph, the name of the receipient or an idol imagined on the body part of the practitioner are used.

9. The ninth technique, Seiheki Chiryo, habit healing technique.
The Japanese word Seiheki means habit, the word chiryo means treatment. This technique is used o treat habits, preferably what we would label as “bad” habits.

10. The tenth technique, Gyoshi- Ho and Koki-Ho, healing with the eyes and the breath
The Japanese word Gyoshi means staring, the word Koki means blowing. These two techniques are like your left and right hand. If you want to succeed in something that you do, they have to work together. You always begin with the Gyoshi Ho. Usui Sensei is reported to have used this
combination of techniques for small and big injuries. He suggested to his students that they work best when used immediately after the injury has occurred.This he said guarantees success: the wound heals quickly and no scars remain.

11. The eleventh technique, Reiki Undo, (physical) Reiki exercise
The Japanese word Undo means exercise/movement and it refers to letting the body move, unrestrictedly. Koyama Sensei introduced this exercise to the Usui Reiki Ryoho. This technique is used all over the world and in many different cultures and traditions. In China it is used as part of
Qigong training. In Indonesia it is part of the Subud practice and in India it is called Latihan. In Japan it was originally called Katsugen Undo and it was introduced by Haruchika Noguchi.
Katsugen Undo

12. The twelfth technique, Hesso Chiryo, the Navel Healing Technique
The Japanese word hesso means navel. In this technique the middle finger of either hand is used because it has the most powerful Reiki output. Make sure that you always include the middle finger when working point by point. This technique is one of my personal favorites, because
its results are stunning.

The Hesso chiryo is used in the treatment of cancer, fungal infections (internal as well as external candida for example), viral infections and fever. It can be used on a client or on your self. You
always work until the byosen is gone, however long that may take.

When treating fever with the Hesso Chiryo, the temperature goes down to an acceptable level within three to five minutes- even if it is very high. If it rises up again some time later, you use the technique again.

13. The thirteenth technique, Jacki-kiri Joka-Ho, Transforming negative energy

The Japanese word jacki means negative energy and the word kiri (from the verb kiru) means to cut. You may have heard the word “Hara- Kiri”, meaning “cutting the Hara”- killing your self! The word Joka means purification.

This technique teaches us how to transform negative energy attached to any object. Personally I don’t like the word “negative energy” because there is no place for that in my world. Energy is simply energy-and the secret is to transform it from base metal to gold. However there may be an incompatibility between “your” energy field and that of an object. Let’s say you have separated from a partner and you live with someone new. You have brought some furniture from your previous
marriage into the new household, but now they don’t fit in energetically. To adjust the energy of the objects to your current situation, you can use this technique.

However, this technique is restricted to be used on inanimate objects only: do not ever use it on a living being. For helping living beings transform their energy field we have been given other techniques for purification. In that case please use either Kenyoku, Joshin Kokyuu Ho, Hanshin Koketsu Ho, or Ketsueki Kokan.

14. The fourteenth technique, Genetsu-Ho, the technique to bring down a fever
This Japanese word “netsu” means fever and the word “ge” means to bring down.

15. The fifteenth Technique, Byogen Chiryo, Treatment of the origin of a disease
The Japanese word “byo” means disease and the word “gen” means origin or root. The treatment prescribed by Usui Sensei is the same as the Genetsu-Ho treatment and the treatment of diseases of the head. By treating the head intensively you are likely to get a complete picture of the physical and mental condition of your client.

We all know that what we refer to as a disease is often only a symptom. And treating a symptom will often only, but not always have a superficial or temporary result. When someone complains of a headache the actual problem may be in the spine or due to dehydration. When you work with the Reiji- Ho technique described above, it is possible that you may pick up the root cause of a disease. In this case you learn to listen to your intuition/perception rather than to the description of the client!

16. The sixteenth technique, Hanshin chiryo, half the body treatment
The Japanese word Han means half and the word shin means body. In Usui Sensei’s handbook, this technique is prescribed for disorders of the nerves and disorders of the metabolism and the blood.

17. The seventeenth technique, Hanshin Koketsu- Ho, The blood exchange technique for half the body
The Japanese word hanshin means half the body and koketsu can be translated as cross- blood, or exchanging, mixing- blood. This technique is used to bring a client back to planet Earth after a treatment. It is also useful when working with a mentally disturbed client.

Caution: Clients with back pains have reported that their pains disappeared after the Hanshin Koketsu Ho has been done to them!

18. The eighteenth Technique, Tanden chiryo, Tanden treatment
The Japanese word Tanden describes the spot two to three fingers width below our navel that has been described in detail above. The Tanden is seen as the seat of your life force, and the home of Reiki in the body. Therefore it is an important point in each and every treatment.

According to Koyama Sensei the Tanden Chiryo is divided into five aspects. When treating the following symptoms/ailments please proceed in this way...

This technique is used as a general power up technique for yourself or others. It also strengthens your will power- or that of your client. I suggest you treat yourself in this way while you are traveling or watching TV, when falling asleep or upon awakening.

19. The nineteenth technique, Gedoku-Ho, The detoxification technique
The Japanese word doku means poison or toxin. The word “ge” means to bring down. This technique is used to detoxify a client or yourself. It can work miracles when treating someone who takes or had to take strong medication. It is used on drug addicts and after chemotherapy or the like. Also remember this as the perfect technique to deal with stomachaches, constipation, diarrhea and food poisoning.

20. The twentieth technique, Ketsueki Kokan Ho, the blood exchange technique
At the end of each and every treatment Chiyoko Sensei performed this technique that she learned from Hayashi Sensei. Ketsueki means blood or blood –flow and Kokan means exchange. The toxins that were solved in the preceding Reiki treatment are to be eliminated more effectively with the help of this technique’.

Bookings are essential as all Classes & Events
have a limited number of places.

All bookings for 1 or more of Frank’s 4 Classes/Events may be made here