Become a Usui Reiki Master Teacher
Your Usui Reiki Teacher training is a profound, practical and personal spiritual Journey for you. It’s one of the biggest gifts you can give yourself and others if you love, use and value Usui Reiki
Training you to the highest Usui Reiki standards
Embarking on the journey to become a Reiki Master or Reiki Teacher is a transformative experience that typically spans several months after your Reiki Master Training.
The duration of the training is tailored to suit the unique circumstances and experience of each Reiki Master, ensuring that the learning process is comprehensive and personalized.
Your Usui Reiki Teacher's training is designed with your schedule, work and home life, and individual learning style in mind.
It's a structured and enjoyable program that guides you through each level, integrating and practicing Reiki in a way that feels sacred, thorough and fun.
The main goal is to support you in nurturing your personal connection to the powerful Usui Reiki energy while also preparing you to effectively teach and attune others to this wonderful energy.
Throughout the training, Yolanda is dedicated to enriching your respect, knowledge, experience, practice, and teaching skills related to Usui Reiki
The aim is to ensure that you can teach and attune others effortlessly, beautifully, and professionally, all while enjoying a personal and fun learning experience.
Personalised, thorough, practical, fun one-on-oneTraining
You'll learn the traditional Usui Reiki Attunements (Reiju) for every Reiki Degree – from Reiki 1st Degree right up to and including Reiki Teacher Degree
You'll learn to facilitate, teach, share and attune your new Usui Reiki students to the empowering and gently powerful Usui Reiki energy
You'll progress through each Degree and personally receive every Attunement again for every Degree from Reiki 1st Degree through to your final Reiki Teacher Degree. This is a preparation process for your final Teacher attunement and contributes immensely to your personal growth and experience of the authenticity and sacredness of the Reiki energy
You'll receive all my current, beautifully presented and bound Usui Reiki Manuals for each Reiki Degree – from Reiki 1st Degree to Reiki Teacher Manuals - an accumulation of over 24 years of teaching Usui Reiki
You'll receive a professional Reiki Certificate and current Usui Reiki Manual for every Degree as you complete your Training in that Degree
You'll learn everything you need to design, run and market your Reiki Small Business including every Class programme and content for professionally taught seminars - no matter how small or large they are.
You'll attend, observe and assist (co-teach) Reiki classes and Reiki Reviews, give Reiju to students and facilitate Reiki share groups as part of your Teacher training
You'll have 1- 2 1/2 day complimentary Reiki Teacher Reviews (more if necessary) with Yolanda to support you on your professional and personal Reiki Teacher Journey
Plus you'll have complimentary on-going access to Yolanda’s support, experience and guidance throughout your own Reiki Master Teacher career whenever you need it.
Fee $NZ2000
NB: This fee includes your Usui Reiki First, Second & Third Degree Classes, plus your Master and Teacher fees and training. Different payment options are available via online banking.
Your follow-up Reiki Class Reviews are important, free, hugely helpful and valuable
Please note the information below:
During Reiki Reviews, you will have 3-6 hour sessions as a complimentary extension to your Reiki Training, which are an extremely valuable part of your Reiki Journey, both personally and professionally.
There is no cost for the Reiki Reviews as they are a gift to support you as part of your high-quality, comprehensive Training.
However, it is essential for your own benefit - we all love getting together for Reiki Reviews! Fun, teaching, sharing, practising Reiki, the odd coffee or bite together, too!
We will choose the date for your Reiki Review(s) together
During these sessions, you can ask questions, check your practice, share your personal and professional Reiki experiences, insights, and spiritual journey, upgrade your new skills, increase your confidence and competence, and receive Advanced Reiki Techniques from Yolanda.
Reiki Reviews are provided as complimentary support to assist you in the new phase of your Reiki Journey.
The date for your Reiki Review will be 2-4 weeks after your Course. Reiki Reviews are always conducted in person with Yolanda.
Ready to take the next step?
Please ring, text, or email me and we’ll meet online or in person over a coffee to discuss how you’d like to deepen your beautiful Usui Reiki Journey.
We'll work together to make a top-quality, professional Usui Reiki Teacher training programme specifically and perfectly, just for you.
Once you are happy with everything, we choose dates and payment methods so we can begin an awesome Reiki Teacher training experience together for you!
M: +64 (0)272 349 560
'It was a real privilege for Cliff and I to jointly train through Yolanda continuing our journey together with Reiki.
We find Reiki beautiful. We use it in our everyday life to help us as well as others, who find it very beneficial.'
Paula & Cliff Ormiston
Usui Reiki Teachers, Tauranga
'For me, Reiki is a path to my inner growth, creativity and connection with my innate nature'
'Becoming a student once more, I have had previous training in this beautiful system of healing, but when I decided to take my Journey with Reiki to the next level, I chose Yolanda as my teacher
Starting from the very beginning Level 1 and working my way through I have gained so much more respect for Usui Reiki and the founder Mikao Usui. I have come to the realization this is not just a system of healing that is very effective, it is also a path to inner growth and connection with your innate nature.
I have become so much more aware and present with my life and in doing so am able to move through difficult situations with a strength I didn’t even know I possessed.
My understanding of the teachings of Usui Reiki has been grasped at a deeper level and with this my current daily practice has benefited as I have now been able to reconnect with something that always has been there hidden just below the surface of my daily activities.
Yolanda has provided comprehensive Manuals at every Degree / Level throughout my training that are easy to understand and you can refer back to them to refresh your memory at any time
Her recommendation on journeying my personal Reiki experiences and practice right from the beginning have helped me gain a deeper insight on how Usui Reiki impacts my life on a daily basis, from more restful nights to clarity with my everyday choices, decisions and relationships.
My relationships with my family have become richer, happier and more loving as I’m relating to them more fully and staying much more present in my experiences with them.
My creative side has flourished and with that comes inspiration and connection with my own natural flow of creativity through poetry and photography.
Physically, because I am more present to my own body, I feel I’ve grown a much deeper capacity to listen to my body and treat it with greater respect and response.
Mentally and emotionally I have far less anxiety and through learning how to use my Reiki personally more fully, I can now cope positively and effectively with situations that in the past I would most definitely have avoided!
Overall this Usui Reiki Journey and training with Yolanda has been one of huge gratitude and expansion
I’ve developed a far greater understanding of the wonderful benefits of Usui Reiki for both my own personal and professional development and for my clients'.
Susan Rhodes, Usui Reiki Teacher 3B, Hamilton NZ
Inspiring real-life stories from recent clients & students on
How Reiki has changed their stress & family life to more peace and happiness
'I have absolutely loved learning Reiki from Yolanda
It's been life changing for me and it's helped me become healthier and happier. My intuition has increased and I'm feeling more like my authentic self with each day and more in a state of flow. I'm definitely more present in each moment too.
Reiki has not only helped me but my whole family
My autistic son Lucas had trouble sleeping and by the age of 5yrs old he had only slept a handful of times throughout the night but since giving him daily Reiki his sleep has improved drastically and he's now getting full night's sleep most night's - which has been a total game changer in our household.
I would absolutely recommend learning Reiki from Yolanda
Yolanda is very thorough in her teachings and you receive comprehensive manuals to help you on your journey. Another amazing thing is the on going contact Yolanda provides. If i ever have a question, i know Yolanda is just a phone call away.
Hope Silby, Reiki 3rd Degree Student
Thank you Yolanda, much love and blessings to you. I will always be so grateful to you'