There are suggested standards for Reiki practice or education but none are able to be regulated by law in New Zealand so it is up to the students to identify their own qualified Reiki Teacher
Pamela Miles’ book, REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide (Tarcher/Penguin) explains what to look for.
“It’s really a buyer beware situation" says Pamela, a well-known Reiki Teacher in the USA.
Here are some tips Pamela suggests for locating an experienced, practising Reiki Teacher
Make sure the Teacher practices daily hands-on self-treatment and examine her training (it should take years) and lineage carefully
Look for someone who is even-tempered, professional, articulate, and non-judgmental
Choose a Teacher who is reputable and with whom you have a genuine rapport
Give yourself the gift of the First Degree Class with four initiations over two consecutive days
(Note from Yolanda – the fourth and final Attunement at Usui Reiki First Degree seals over the previous three Attunements so that you have the Reiki Energy for a lifetime)
10-12 hours is appropriate for a small group class, preferably given on two or more days
(Note from Yolanda – all my Classes include a complimentary ½ day Reiki Review & training plus free Reiki Share groups and discounted Reiki treatments)
"Low fees can indicate lack of experience" says Pamela".
(Note from Yolanda – ‘I paid AU$500 to learn Usui Reiki First Degree and AU$500 to learn Usui Reiki Second Degree in 1994!)
(c)copyright Pamela Miles, Karuna Reiki Teacher
What to look for in a Reiki Teacher - from Frank Arjava Petter
Towards the end of his 2020 Book 'One with Reiki: Love, Devotion and Being Present', Frank has two to three pages on the responsibility and behaviours a Reiki teacher should be practicing in their own life as well as their relationships with their students.
A brief summary of some of the responsibilities of a Reiki Teacher as follows -
* "Primarily being a Reiki teacher means you embody the Gokai and with it the whole Reiki teaching as well as you can, in every moment of your life ..... the rewards are a tender heart and a clear mind ... that turn every moment of life into a blessing.
* The responsibilities of a teacher are many, manifesting in both what he does and what he does not do.
* Firstly, a teacher should make the effort to give daily Reiki treatments ... in every treatment the teacher will learn something new that he can pass onto his students later.
* In the classroom the teacher answers the questions of his students as well as he can and acknowledges his not knowing, too .....he does not ask his students to do something he himself is not ready to do.
* He does not project his own desires, world-views or fears onto his students and instead shows his students by example that he lives his life with integrity, humour and detachment ... he keeps working on himself.
* The teacher inspires his students by his authenticity and gives them courage to be themselves in every moment of their life ...
* A Reiki teacher does not manipulate students physically, sexually, emotionally or spiritually.
* He never exploits situations or people to get advantage over others.
* He always gives 100% - as well as he can ....
* The teacher joyously takes on the responsibility for his students, their students (once they have become teachers) and the teaching ......."
As a Reiki Teacher of over twenty years, I found this this section very humbling; also a great reminder of the huge value of our daily Reiki practice including the Gokai or the Five Reiki Principles or Precepts.
For those of you who have this beautiful Book and contribution to the spiritual aspects of practicing Reiki, read the last section on 'Learning and Teaching Reiki' beginning p113 to 127 - it's for all students and teachers, too.
Frank finishes the above chapter with this quote -
"Always remember you are Reiki. You are your heart, your mind, your hands, your success as well as the challenges that you have not yet been able to cope with.
Trust yourself and nourish a general attitude of trust in life, knowing that wherever you are and whatever you do, you are in the arms of something enormous that holds you in her arms like a mother holds her child.
You and your life are one and everything is exactly as it should be".
(c)2020 Frank Arjava Petter 'One With Reiki'