P: 027 234 9560

Your Reiki Treatment

One of the most noticeable benefits you will experience when receiving (and giving Reiki to yourself) is how quickly and easily a deep state of relaxation and calm occurs.

‘I’m feeling so much happier, lighter, more inspired'

'After my hour's Distant Reiki treatment with Yolanda, I was talking with a friend and he asked me, 'what’s changed? I told him - more Reiki. Thank you so much, Yolanda'.

Jane Rompelberg, Usui Reiki Master, Wellington

Learn more about the benefits and outcomes of Usui Reiki with Yolanda

Experience the many benefits of Usui Reiki 

From this place, many experience spontaneous relaxations in the form of muscle tension release, vertebrae realignment, accelerated tissue healing, scar reduction and other forms of pain relief

Brain waves slow in Reiki treatments, offering you creative solutions and insights into daily working and living Relaxation and stress reduction occur promptly, usually within minutes.

Your natural creativity and problem-solving are enriched, learning and concentration enhanced and our memory retention improves The overall quality of your life is enhanced by an increased and realistic sense of optimism and positivity.

Receiving Reiki increases your ability to spontaneously ‘let go’ at all levels – physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Old habits and unconscious belief systems ‘die easy’, and forgiveness comes more readily.

Reiki for your all aspects of your health & well-being

Reiki has a subtle and powerful effect on all your energy bodies simultaneously, impacting underlying causes of ill health and accelerated healing of body, mind and spirit

Reiki acts as a preventative thus strengthening and empowering all aspects of your being including enhancing your creativity, increasing your ability to problem solve, balancing your sleep patterns, increasing vitality and physical energy and improving your self-esteem and confidence

The Benefits of Reiki are gentle and powerful

Traditional Usui Reiki has become mainstream – there are millions of Reiki practitioners and students around the world who experience these benefits every day with Reiki 

Experience the reduction of stress and pain in a single treatment

  • Automatically have accelerated healing of physical tissue (body), mind (thoughts and beliefs), heart (emotions) and spirit (alignment)

  • Alleviate your fatigue, energize naturally, both mentally and physically Increase your clarity of mind, enhance your problem solving and your memory retention

  • Sustain increased feelings of self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Ensure increased overall health, pain relief and well-being

  • Your intuitive skills develop naturally and easily

  • Your ability to communication will improve at all levels

  • Notice increased creativity at all levels, in all professions

  • World-famous athletes, musicians and opera singers swear by Reiki

  • Your mindfulness and self-awareness will increase naturally and show up in all areas of your life 

Rest, relaxation, repair and renewal happen automatically

Without you having to do anything except rest, Reiki naturally and automatically drops you into deeper alpha states of relaxation.

Memory, sleep, good decision-making, creativity, accelerated healing and pain relief and states of joy are easier to achieve in deeper states of relaxation.

Reiki enables your brain waves to naturally slow

Your thoughts disappear as the Reiki energy allows the mind to drop into deeper and deeper states of relaxation or alpha states.

It is in this place of relaxation that deep-seated healing occurs – at all levels, physical, mental, emotional.

You may be conscious only of a deep sense of relaxation, perhaps a feeling of heaviness or sleepiness – all excellent signs your body is receiving and integrating the Reiki to your benefit.

A Reiki treatment continues for days afterwards and it is wise to take it easy, drink extra fluids to help flush the released toxins quickly from the body and eat with awareness for a day or two after your Reiki treatments.

Reiki is physical & spiritual well-being using the energy of nature and the power of touch

Experience deep relaxation within minutes

Usui Reiki totally compliments, supports and enhances all orthodox and alternative medicines, therapies and practices and is equally effective for all age groups plus animals and plants.

In a hands-on Usui Reiki Treatment, both hands are lightly placed on the body in hand-positions which remain stationary for 2-3 minutes per position

The first hand-positions are generally on the head and shoulder areas, moving to the trunk and legs. The last Reiki hand position in a professional treatment is on the soles of the feet.

Reiki is always given fully clothed on a comfortable and supportive Reiki table in a clean, peaceful, quiet and professional environment.

Do you want to experience lasting change, personally and professionally?


Learning Usui Reiki is a life-changing experience in every way and so much more cost-effective when you are able to give yourself AND your loved ones, regular Reiki for a lifetime.

Distant Usui Reiki Treatments are a fabulous option when you can't get to me in person and you or a loved one aren't well

Distant Reiki treatments are amazing, powerful and deeply beneficial at many levels. You're welcome to book in for an Absent & Distant Usui Reiki Treatment with me online. It's very gentle and deeply nurturing if you can't come in person.

'I've had the best month ever'

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been having the very best month compared to others recently.

Feeling so much better, clearer, lighter, more balanced and nowhere near as stressed. More like me!

It's the Reiki! Thank you xxx

'That was amazing, Yolanda. I slept for four hours after my distant Reiki!

Thank you, thank you, thank you'

Jill, Waikato